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摘要:43 , she turned toward me. In her hand was what was left of my wife’s new lipstick. And every square inch of her face was 44 with bright red! As she looked up at me with fearful eyes, I heard 45 voice that had been shouted to me as a child. “How could you… You should know… How many times have you been 46 … What a bad thing to do…” It was just a matter of my picking out which old 47 I was going to use on her so that she would

  43  , she turned toward me. In her hand was what was left of my wife’s new lipstick. And every square inch of her face was   44   with bright red! As she looked up at me with fearful eyes, I heard   45   voice that had been shouted to me as a child. “How could you… You should know… How many times have you been   46  … What a bad thing to do…” It was just a matter of my picking out which old   47   I was going to use on her so that she would know what a bad girl she had been. But   48   I could let loose, I looked   49   at the sweater on her. In big   50   it said, “I’M A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL (天使)!” I looked back up into her tearful eyes and,   51   seeing a bad girl who didn’t listen, I saw a little angel full of   52   that I had come dangerously close to   53  . “Sweetheart, let’s take a picture so Mommy can see how   54   you look.” I took the picture and thanked God that I didn’t   55   the chance to prove what a perfect little angel He had given me.

  36. A. happenedB. likedC. appearedD. pretended

  37. A. long            B. quietC. calmD. strange

  38. A. asked             B. answeredC. raised D. repeated

  39. A. into       B. of     C. from    D. for

  40. A. way               B. turn  C. change          D. progress

  41. A. followed        B. scolded   C. cornered    D. fooled

  42. A. laughed          B. listened        C. agreed      D. refused

  43. A. Slowly       B. Eagerly     C. Angrily       D. Unfortunately

  44. A. filled B. marked       C. printed        D. covered

  45. A. every        B. such         C. any    D. one

  46. A. told         B. beaten      C. frightened  D. forbidden

  47. A. reports     B. notice       C. advice D. words

  48. A. as            B. when         C. since           D. before

  49. A. up            B. down        C. in             D. on

  50. A. signs            B. letters      C. messages        D. figures

  51. A. because of    B. instead of   C. in spite ofD. as a result of

  52. A. value           B. sadness      C. pities          D. tricks

  53. A. preventing    B. getting rid of C. destroying    D. doing wrong on

  54. A. dirty             B. ugly         C. special         D. silly

  55. A. have              B. get          C. take            D. miss

  第三节、阅读理解 ( 每题2分,共40分 )

  阅读下列短文,从每题中所给的四个选项A. B. C .D 中选出最佳选项


  People often say, even without stepping out of my house I know all that has been happening in the world. I think that is quite true, especially in modern times.

  We get all kinds of news from newspaper and TV and the Internet. This helps us to understand the developing world, without having to go to the places where events are really taking place.

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