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英语 - Lesson Three (六)

摘要:ExamWords:1.Too 2.yuan 3.dear 4.can 5.much 6.afternoon 7.Want 8.Buy 9.Help 10.Only 11.Afraid 12.Eleven13.twelveSentences:How much is the book?It is eleven yuan. How much is it?It's five yoan.Pronunciation:第二册第3课语音 班级 姓名判断下列划线字母的发音,发音相同的打√,不同的打×。1) ( )A. tea B. see2) ( )A. she B. bed3) ( )A. bike B. bag4) ( )A. green B. breakfast语音三选一。A B C1) ( ) see sea sit2) ( ) eat cat keep3) ( ) set seat feet4) ( ) red he week5) ( ) kate gift bike6) ( ) say rain tea 英语 - Lesson Three (六)由www.67x
英语 - Lesson Three (六),标签:四年级下册英语教案,小学英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com


  1.Too 2.yuan 3.dear 4.can 5.much 6.afternoon

  7.Want 8.Buy 9.Help 10.Only 11.Afraid 12.Eleven



  How much is the book?

  It is eleven yuan.

  How much is it?

  It's five yoan.


  第二册第3课语音 班级 姓名


  1) ( )A. tea B. see

  2) ( )A. she B. bed

  3) ( )A. bike B. bag

  4) ( )A. green B. breakfast


  A B C

  1) ( ) see sea sit

  2) ( ) eat cat keep

  3) ( ) set seat feet

  4) ( ) red he week

  5) ( ) kate gift bike

  6) ( ) say rain tea

英语 - Lesson Three (六)由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com

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