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Shall we go to the zoo?

摘要:组织动物画展或摄影展教师可以组织学生利用在动物园收集的材料,举办一个"爱你就像爱我们自己"的动物图画展览。每个学生根据自己观察的动物的各种姿态,画出自己认为最喜爱的动物画,同时要配有简单的中英文简介,如果材料不足的话可以让学生从网上或书籍上搜集一些资料。要求图片生动形象,英汉对照的介绍简明扼要。学生可以个人或小组的形式推出自己的作品。教师可以利用课下时间进行指导,对表现出色的同学进行奖励。教师还可以让学生把在动物园中拍摄的动物各种神态照片贴在学校或班级的墙报上展出来,并且在每张照片旁都加上自己的英文介绍。如:This is a photo of tiger. He likes eating bananas very much. Look! There are some bananas in his hand. 表演教师可以组织学生根据第18课课文内容进行角色表演。要求学生准备道具(一个老虎的面具和一个鱼头的面具)学生仿照老虎和海豚的样子一边进行表演,一边进行叙述,如:(1) I live in the forests and mountains.
Shall we go to the zoo?,标签:初二下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com


  教师还可以让学生把在动物园中拍摄的动物各种神态照片贴在学校或班级的墙报上展出来,并且在每张照片旁都加上自己的英文介绍。如:This is a photo of tiger. He likes eating bananas very much. Look! There are some bananas in his hand.

  (1) I live in the forests and mountains. I can run very fast, I catch and eat small animals, like rabbits and deer, but now I live in a small cage. Can you let me out? Can you guess who am I?

  (2)I like swimming and jumping, I swim fast and jump very high, I can play with a ball, I can stand up and walk on the water .I am the friend of people, if you drop in to the sea, I can help you .can you guess who am I?

  A riddle (英语谜语)
  Two little brothers, live near each others
  One is on the side.
  The other is on the other side.
  They hear what the say, but they don t see each other.

Shall we go to the zoo?由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com
  What are they?
  Discuss it s good for animals to live in a zoo
  A:Do you think the animal in the zoo is very happy?
  B: Do you think the animals in the zoo are as healthy as they live in the mountain?
  C: Do you think the animal in the zoo is safety(安全)? The hunter(猎人)can t get them any more.
  D: Do you think the animals in the zoo can catch food by themselves?
  E: Do you think it is not easy for me to see the animals when we want to see them if the animals return to the forest or the sea?
  F: Do you think there is enough food for the animals if the animals to the forest or the sea?
  G: Do you think they can live on themselves again if the animals return to the forest or the sea?

Shall we go to the zoo?由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com

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