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中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)

摘要:B: I like science _____ _____ any other subject.3. A: Jane went shopping yesterday, and I went shopping, too.B: Jane went shopping yesterday and ______ _____ I.4. A: This room is not big. It can't hold a lot of people.中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.comB: This room is not big_____ ______ hold so many people.5. A: That machine doesn't work.B: There is______ ______ with that machine.6. A: The snow was very heavy last night.B: It _____ ______ last night.7. A
中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ),标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

B: I like science _____ _____ any other subject.

3. A: Jane went shopping yesterday, and I went shopping, too.

B: Jane went shopping yesterday and ______ _____ I.

4. A: This room is not big. It can't hold a lot of people.

中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com

B: This room is not big_____ ______ hold so many people.

5. A: That machine doesn't work.

B: There is______ ______ with that machine.

6. A: The snow was very heavy last night.

B: It _____ ______ last night.

7. A: His uncle no longer works here.

B: His uncle _____work here ______ longer.

8. A: This is the most important thing at this moment.

B: This thing is _____ important than anything ______ at this moment.

9. A: He was so angry that he couldn't .say a word.

B: He was ______ angry _______ say a word.

10. A: Zhang Tao speaks English better than any other student in his class.

B: ______ speaks English so _____ as Zhang Tao.



1. You'd better not go ______ the forest. It's dangerous.

2. Which room are you going to live ______?

3. The building is ______ fire. There're some people ______ the top floor.

4. Before 1990 there was no airline ______ the two cities.

5. It's not good to come late ______ school.

6. What's wrong ______ your bike?

7. Thank you very much ______ coming to see me.

8. I couldn't finish it ______ your help.

9. Don't laugh ______ others’ mistakes.

10. Do the twins look ______ their father?

11. —How do you usually come to school, every day?

—Sometimes ______ bike, sometimes ______ foot.

12. It's very kind ______ you to help me ______ my maths.

13. Don't read ______ the sun. It's bad ______ your eyes.

14. The teacher told us the moon travels ______ the earth.

15. You must learn these words ______ heart, and answer my question______ English.

16. Please meet your uncle ______ noon ______ Saturday.

17. Thanks ______ your help, I finished the work before dark.

18. It's cold and the temperature is ______ zero during the night.

19. The teacher is writing ______ red ink ______ a piece of paper.

20. The children are waiting ______ the gate ______ their mother.

名词答案:1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A

代词答案:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.B 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.B 17. D 18.A 19.A 20.A

冠词答案:1. ×; a 2.an 3. × 4. × 5. × 6. a 7.a; × 8. ×; ×; × 9.the 10.×; × 11. the; ×; × 12. × 13.the 14.× 15. × 16.the 17.the; × 18.the 19.the 20. The; the

数词答案: 1-5 B A D C C 6-10 B A B A A

形容词、副词答案:1.the strongest; three 2.better; than 3.so did 4.enough to 5.something wrong 6.snowed heavily 7.doesn't; any 8.more; else 9.too; to 10.Nobody; well

介词答案:1.through 2.in 3.on, on 4.between 5.to 6.with 7.for 8.without 9.at 10.like 11.by; on 12.of; with 13.in; for 14.around/ round 15.by; in 16.at; on 17.to 18.below 19.in; on 20.at; for

中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)一文由3edu教育网www.3edu.net搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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