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Unit 21 Karl Marx

摘要:He is improving in health. 他的身体在好转。2)find在此意为“发现;觉得”,后面跟的是复合宾语结构,即“find + sb. / sth. +adj +不定式”,idioms and useful expressions是宾语,hard to learn是宾语补足语。如:Do you find “Radio English on Sunday” easy to understand? 你觉得“星期日广播英语”容易听懂吗?a. 名词/代词十形容词。如:I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.我发现习语和惯用法很难学。I find listening really hard.我发现听真是很难。有时将形式宾语it放在宾语的位置,而将真正宾语(不定式或从句)放在宾语补足语(形容词)之后。如:Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.马克思发现研究俄国形势很重要。b. 名词,代词十名词。如:They found i
Unit 21 Karl Marx,标签:高一下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

  He is improving in health. 他的身体在好转。

  2)find在此意为“发现;觉得”,后面跟的是复合宾语结构,即“find + sb. / sth. +adj +不定式”,idioms and useful expressions是宾语,hard to learn是宾语补足语。如:

  Do you find “Radio English on Sunday” easy to understand? 你觉得“星期日广播英语”容易听懂吗?

  a. 名词/代词十形容词。如:

  I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.我发现习语和惯用法很难学。

  I find listening really hard.我发现听真是很难。


  Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.马克思发现研究俄国形势很重要。

  b. 名词,代词十名词。如:

  They found it the necklace they had been looking for.他们发现这是他们一直在寻找的项链。

  You'll find a knowledge of English a must in international trade today.你将会发现懂英语在今天的国际贸易中是必要的。

  c. 名词/代词上副词。如:

  We found him in/out.我们发现他在家(不在家)。

  d. 名词/代词+介词短语。如:

  When we arrived, we found him in bed. 我们到达时,发现他在床上。

  e. 名词/代词+v-ing形式。如:

  We have found him waiting to receive us. 我们已发现他在等着接待我们。

  f. 名词/代词十过去分词。如,

  She found the letter gone. 她发现信不见了。

  g. 名词/代词+不定式to be短语。如:

  He found himself (to do) in a dark forest. 他发现自己在黑暗的森林里。




  He went home yesterday. 他昨天回家了。


  He had gone home when I got to his office.  当我到他的办公室时,他早已回家了

  By the end of last term-we had learnt about 1,500 English words. 到上期期末,我们已学了大约1500个英语单词。


  After he (had) arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.马克思到英国后,他努力学习以提高英语水平。   

  He went on watching TV, after his father (had) left. 他父亲走后,他继续看电视。

  Marx (had) learnt some English before he got to England. 马克思到英国之前就学过一些英语。

Lesson 81教学设计方案

Teaching Aims

  1. Learn some useful words about English lesson:

  idiom, expression, listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation.

  2. Study the language points concerned with the dialogue.

Step 1Presentation

  Find out the idioms in the dialogue. ( have a cold, catch a cold. cut down, cut up)

Step 2 Listening

  Listen to the tape and then answer the questions in Workbook Lesson, 81, Part 1.

Step 3 Language points

  Go through the dialogue briefly and deal with the language points.

Step 4 Oral practise

  Scene1: Make a dialogue and give some advise(in pairs)

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in spelling, he just can’t spell the words correctly . Sometimes he adds some letters, other times he misses some letters. He always makes mistakes in spelling and he is very worried.

  Scene2: Make a dialogue and give some suggestions(group work)

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in pronunciation. Though she tries hard, she just can not pronounce the words correctly. She knows that the teacher on the tape does not read English in the way she does, but she does not know how to improve her pronunciation.

Step 5 Workbook

  Do the exercises in Workbook Lesson 81.

Step 6 Homework

  Preparation the Lesson 82.

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