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人教版高二Unit 4 A Garden of Poems(详案)

摘要:Who wrote them? What are they about? When were they written?Step IV. While listening In collections of poetry, poems are put together because they belong to the same group. They can be sorted by different writers, or they can be sorted by a certain topic or a certain period of time. 1.Listen to the tape and list the name of the books on poems by different writers. (Suggested answers: A Garden of Poems” “1001 Songs or Poems in English” 2.Listen to the tape and list the
人教版高二Unit 4 A Garden of Poems(详案),标签:高二下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com
Who wrote them?
What are they about?
When were they written?

Step IV. While listening
In collections of poetry, poems are put together because they belong to the same group.
They can be sorted by different writers, or they can be sorted by a certain topic or a certain period of time.
1.Listen to the tape and list the name of the books on poems by different writers.
(Suggested answers: A Garden of Poems”
“1001 Songs or Poems in English”
2.Listen to the tape and list the the information of poems by a certain topic
Suggested answers: The topic can be human feeings (humour & love…)
“Poetry about Nature” (flowers, trees, plants & the old countryside)
“The Earth is Painted Green”
3.Poems by a certain period time
Suggested answers: “English Poem of the Early 17th Century”
“Poetry Between the World Wars”
4.OK, Since we learned some about poems. Now let’s listen to the a reader and a woman working in the library. First listen to the tape and tick the words that are used by the woman.
Suggested answer: poem, collection, the World Wars , The countryside and nature
5.Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.
1).What is the dialogue about?
2)What kind of book is A Garden of Poems?
3)Which period is meant when we say “between the World Wars”?
4)How should you read a book such as 1001 Songs and Poems in English?
5)Which topic for poetry does the student like?

Step V. Post-listening
1.T: OK. What topic for poetry do you like?
S: …….
T:Sometimes English poems can be read in a really interesting way. Now I’d like you to enjoy one of them.
(A rhyme
Pick an apple
Pick a pear
Pick a banana over there.
Let’s work and let’s play,
Picking apples every day.)
2.Listen and imitate.

Step VI. Listening on the workbook.
Good. I’m really interested in poems and I want to know why our ancestors invent poetry. Do you know the reason. If you don’t know, let’s look at the following questions.
1)Before the invention of writing, was there any other way but to remember important things?
2)Were rhyme and rhythm very helpful when they are trying to remember things?
3)Why did our ancestors invent poetry?
4)What is the listening text about?

Listen to the tape and find out the answers to the questions.
Tape description: People invented poetry as they help to remember things. Before the invention of writing, there was no other way but to remember important things. People early discovered that rhyme and rhythm were very helpful when they are trying to remember things. So they made poems to help them remember all the things they needed to know and passed on from generation to generation. For example to remember their history. They recited great stories about their ancestors and the wars that were fought.
(Collect the answers from the students.)
T: Yes. Before the invention of writing, there was no other way but to remember important things.
And rhyme and rhythm were very helpful when people are trying to remember things. That’s why our ancestors invented poetry.

Step VII. Listening and imitating.
T: OK. Poems are helpful to remember things. But what things can they help us remember? Please listen to the following examples and find out some of the ways.

>>《人教版高二Unit 4 A Garden of Poems(详案)》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.67xuexi.com网]www.67xuexi.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。 1.We can learn and remember important dates in history using rhyme. The rhyme most famous of these is: “In 1492, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue” to remember that it was in 1492 that Columbus discovered the Americas.
2.There are also short lines to remember how many days each month has. “30 days has September, April, June and November. The rest have 31. Fine! February 28 except when 29.”
3.We can even learn had spelling with words from a short poem. The words ‘receive’ sounds like ‘believe’. But the spelling is not the same. Listen to the following short poem, It is very useful to help students learn and remember how to spell some difficult words in English and it always works.
“I” before “E” except after “C” or when sounding like [ei] as in “neighbour” and “way”.
Suggested answers:

Rhyme 1 is useful to remember important dates in history. (to remember that it was in 1492 that Columbus discovered the Americas)

Rhyme 2 is useful to remember how many days each month has.

Rhyme 3 is useful to help students learn and remember how to spell some difficult words in English.

Rhymes and rhythms are helpful. Do you use poetry to remember things?

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