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摘要:It is 41 in Qingdao. It‘s very hot here. Now, there are many people 42 vacation. They go to the beach and have 43 good time there. Today is 44 , it is not very hot. On the beach, a lot of people 45 to their friends 46 looking at the beautiful sea. Some of them are 47 . Other are taking 48 .Can you find 49 ? I’m the boy in blue shorts .I‘m going to dive. It’s 50 .( ) 41. A. August B. December C. March D. January( ) 42. A. in B. on C. at D. with( ) 43. A./ B. an C

  It is 41 in Qingdao. It‘s very hot here. Now, there are many people 42 vacation. They go to the beach and have 43 good time there. Today is 44 , it is not very hot. On the beach, a lot of people 45 to their friends 46 looking at the beautiful sea. Some of them are 47 . Other are taking 48 .Can you find 49 ? I’m the boy in blue shorts .I‘m going to dive. It’s 50 .

  ( ) 41. A. August B. December C. March D. January

  ( ) 42. A. in B. on C. at D. with

  ( ) 43. A./ B. an C. a D. the

  ( ) 44. A. winds B. wind C. winding D. windy

  ( ) 45. A. is talking B. are talking C. is selling D. are telling

  ( ) 46. A. to B. but C. and D. because

  ( ) 47. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swimming

  ( ) 48. A. photos B. photoes C. phones D. potatoes

  ( ) 49. A. I B. me C. my D. mine

  ( ) 50. A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool

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