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摘要:一、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。( ) 1. Is she your mother? A. It’s under the chair.( ) 2. How many kites do you see? B. I am from Canada.( ) 3. Where are you from? C. No, she isn't.( ) 4. Where is my pencil box? D. I see thirteen.( ) 5. Do you like bananas? E. Thank you.( ) 6. Who’s that boy? F. Yes, it is.( ) 7. Welcome back to school! G. Me,neither( ) 8. Sorry, I don’t like bananas. H. He’s my brother.( ) 9. Is it in your bag? I. Ok( ) 10.Let’s go home.


  ( ) 1. Is she your mother? A. It’s under the chair.

  ( ) 2. How many kites do you see? B. I am from Canada.

  ( ) 3. Where are you from? C. No, she isn't.

  ( ) 4. Where is my pencil box? D. I see thirteen.

  ( ) 5. Do you like bananas? E. Thank you.

  ( ) 6. Who’s that boy? F. Yes, it is.

  ( ) 7. Welcome back to school! G. Me,neither

  ( ) 8. Sorry, I don’t like bananas. H. He’s my brother.

  ( ) 9. Is it in your bag? I. Ok

  ( ) 10.Let’s go home. J. No,I don’t.


  ( ) Mom, where is my car?

  ( ) Is it in your bag?

  ( ) Is it in the toy box?

  ( ) Yes,it is .

  ( ) Thanks, Mum.

  ( ) No, it isn’t

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